Opening Hours
Tuesday to Friday 12:00-20:00 (Last admission: 19:30)
Saturday and Sunday 12:00-21:00 (Last admission: 20:30)
Closed on Mondays
The Train Garden is open to the public every day
Tuesday to Friday 12:00-20:00 (Last admission: 19:30)
Saturday and Sunday 12:00-21:00 (Last admission: 20:30)
Closed on Mondays
The Train Garden is open to the public every day
111 Ruining Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai
Start Museum is please to present exhibition – Thus Spoke The Moment – Inaugural Exhibition Season 2, Genealogy Study of Artists No. 15 Zhang Hui On Painting and Genealogy Study of Artists No. 16 aaajiao: membrane from August 27 to November 15, 2023.
Continuing through a brand-new structure and a “non-linear, non-thematic” narrative from START – Inaugural Exhibition Season 1, exhibition Thus Spoke The Moment brings together with 27 historical landmark works by 21 sampled group of artists. Unlike the first inaugural exhibition, Thus Spoke The Moment hopes to return the audience’s focus to the artist themselves and conveying to their viewers an open-ended experience of art beyond perspective. The exhibition title “thus spoke the moment” seeing artists as body of water, living within the gap of scene.
Just like the brighting stars glitter in the Milky Way, the most visible and influential artists in the international art world include artist Lin Tianmiao, Marina Abramović, Mona Hatoum, Issy Wood,Xu Bing, Zhang Enli will be group exhibited in Start Museum. The “mother of performance art” – Marina Abramović met her most important partner Ulay (1943-2020) at the age of 22. 16mm film Rest Energy being their masterpiece is the first time being projected in Start Museum. This work instinctively tests the delicate relationship between performer and viewer. Created in 1995, The Proliferation
of Thread Winding is one of her most presentative installation work. The simple and repetitive labor of entangled balls challenges the viewer’s endurance to a certain extent. Mona Hatoum was born in 1952 to a Palestinian family in Beirut, Lebanon, and moved to London shortly before the outbreak of the Lebanon Warin 1975. Untitled (Wheelchair) was created after the artist moved to London, The whole work is made of cold metal, and the armrest is replaced by sharp knives. The intervention of these torture elements makes the wheelchair, which was supposed to provide convenience and play a certain protection role, full of danger and resistance.
On 27 August 2023, Genealogy Study of Artists No. 15 Zhang Hui On Painting and Genealogy Study of Artists No. 16 aaajiao: membrane are also presented at Start Museum’s lower ground floor and second floor. Like a flourishing tree rooted in every inch of Start Museum’s ground, two solo exhibition will present 25 pieces of work, including paintings, moving images, installations and other diversified works to the audience respectively.
In the words of Start Museum Director He Juxing, art was conceived at the conception of human life, and will eventually fade away at the end of it. Start Museum sincerely invite you to visit the exhibition, experience the transience of the art works through hisstory, and to let them become a bridge of dialogue between you and the artists across time, space and geography.